West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre COVID-19 Reopening: Policies and Procedures
As the West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre prepares for a partial and adapted reopening of our in person services, we have put in place a series of guidelines to ensure the safety of our participants to the best of our ability. As such we would like to draw attention to our new COVID-19 Rules and Regulations, and our COVID-19 Sanitary policies. These policies are being put in place in accordance with government recommendations and in conjuncture with CNESST COVID-19 toolkits (for more information, please see the following website: https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/salle-de-presse/covid-19-info-en/Pages/toolkit.aspx). As we have begun gradual re-openings, we will do so in a way to be respectful to our members various levels of comfort to in-person meetings. The LGBTQ2+ Centre will ensure in-person meetings as well as offering some programming online. Please see our updated schedule. Recognizing that the presence of COVID-19 means that future outbreaks remain a possibility, the Centre will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 within our community. We will remain poised to consider further changes should number of cases rise or other factors relating to covid change.
COVID-19 Rules and Regulations
There will be a minimum of two (2) personnel on site at all times, comprised of one coordinator and one volunteer.
The wearing of masks is not required when arriving, departing or otherwise moving about the spaces but is recommended based on your comfort levels.
Should you be experiencing symptoms, we require that you do not attend our in-person programs for a minimum of 14-days, and encourage that you get tested,
Testing and disclosure;
In the event that a participant or staff person is tested for COVID-19, they are not permitted to attend the Centre’s in-person programming while they await their results;
Should you test positive, we require that you inform the Centre directly, by phone and email, so that we may contact those who may have been exposed;
Your confidentiality will be maintained, the Centre will not disclose your identity when contact tracing.
In the event where someone tests positive, we ask that that person goes for a second COVID-19 test, and tests negative before returning to the program.
We ask that participants do not bring food items that are also common allergens
Ie. Peanuts, nuts, peanut butter; shellfish
COVID-19 Sanitary Policy
1. Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
Wearing of masks is encouraged but not required it is based off of comfort levels.
Participants will wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when they enter the building or any in-person programs offered by the Centre.
Participants will be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds after using the washroom.
Frequently touched surfaces in the washrooms will be sanitized by staff of the LGBTQ2+ Centre on a frequent basis
Consent Form
This form serves as confirmation that the participant has reviewed our COVID-19 policies and procedures, you understand their contents, and agree to adhere to the rules and regulations put in place. The West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre has implemented operating procedures in order to ensure compliance with Public Health recommendations to limit the spread of the virus. We implemented these procedures in compliance with CNESST recommendations, as per their Day Camp Sector toolkits (for more information please see the following link: https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/salle-de-presse/covid-19-info-en/Pages/toolkit-day-camp-sector.aspx). As such, the West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre has done their due diligence to make the space as sanitary and safe as possible, and may not be held liable should a participant contract COVID-19 or be otherwise exposed. As a participant, you understand that by coming to any in-person drop-ins or related activities, you are assuming the risk of exposure to the coronavirus (or other public health risk). This risk may increase if you travel by public transportation, cab, or ridesharing service. Should you have any questions you can contact the Executive Director, David Hawkins at the following coordinates.